The Fight For Peace

Sat, 11/10/2012 - 00:09 -- sseidel

I do not believe one can fight for peace
For to fight for peace is to kill for love.
Not love for others, but for oneself.
War is narcissistic. Wealthy men don't care
Whether the poor men live or die.
Only riches please their itching palms
And victories boost their egos.
They may say it is for love,
To show the world how much better life can be.
Destroying one's religion, it is not love
It is a lack of understanding and feeling.
Never let them tell you otherwise.
Support an issue, don't create more.
Instead of destroying your fellow man,
Feed them, clothe them, love them,
Understand and nurture them,
But don't ever destroy them
War for peace is a lie.
Peace is heaven. War is hell.


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