The Feels

Tue, 08/30/2016 - 18:10 -- ecbahr

The feels have got a hold on me;

the elephants they're on my chest.

I'm running out of air to breath

but suddenly remember that me, myself, I

am the one to inhale air.

I breathe deep and steady;

my shoulders become less heavy.

I swing on swings and slide down slides;

sometimes I just go to the movies me, myself and I.

That be not weird just relieving as the boyfriend no longer holds meaning;

just friends we agree but sometimes I miss him.

Though I miss my partner and family I still got me, myself and I.

I make myslef laugh and let myself cry but get lost in music as I run.

I am soaring as I become my own and conquer any doubt or worries;

Me, myself, I got this.

I rise above and make anew relationships.

I gain respect and honor my responsibilities.

I love to work and love people.

I thrive from the feels that bring me low and lift me up.

I know how to respond the pythons squeezing the life out of me

and rejoice the the angels showering blessings upon my life.

This is how I feel just me, myself and I.

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