I look up,
I look down,
I look all around.
I cry
I try; but the tears still slide down
No way in this world will I every escape
For, the discouragement you create keeps me in chain and un-new
The days grow shallow as I lose my view
I can't continue to fight, for you hold back every blow
You cut off my circulation
You tear out my opinion
You... are the one I see.
In my eyes and in my souls
My body can't feel,
My body can't heal.
Yet in light, you allow me to feel the dark creeping down my neck
For the dark is not enough.
You bring your cold chills and like hail you break me;
Down as I shatter.
Cuts my tongue.
Holds my breathe.
Drags me into the shadow
Taking away my opportunities.
Such small word
Yet such big impact
What a challenge for us all.