Fate of a Flower

Tue, 01/30/2018 - 19:15 -- emonnin

You see what you want to see,

so though I may wear a yellow shirt,

you remember me in green,

and though I may cry big blue tears,

my smile is all you've seen.


So, you didn't know my sad truth.

You didn't know my truth.


I walked from class to class alone,

you assumed I wanted to.

I always seemed to avoid your eyes,

you assumed I didn't like you.

I was only people shy,

but that's not something you knew.


How I wish you had known I envied your bravery.

How I wish you had known.


The leaves are green again,

first day of spring began,

I walked past and didn't see,

that after that

you turned to me,

and asked me, How are you?

I looked surprised, smiled shy,

and told you I was fine.


Did you know that meant the world to me?

Did you know that meant the world?


I would have liked to tell you,

but of course, now it's too late.

You've gone before the flowers

have reached their own sad fate:

to live another lonely life

a life that still awaits.


If only I had looked and seen.

If only I had looked.


So wrapped up in my head was I,

I always failed to notice,

the bags below your tired eyes

or the constant running noses.

The way you hesitated, gearing for battle,

before you entered a room.

The skin and bones you had become

as you stood upon your tomb.

For I only saw what I chose to see,

in you,

the courage to live happily,

in a world void of beauty.

A world now void of flowers.


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