Fat man: a series
Episode 1: a fat man walks down the sidewalk and two men begin to converse. The first man asks how many twinkies do you think the fat man eats a day and his friend replies with a laugh while the fat man hears the laugh knowing all to well what the conversation’s about. Meanwhile fat man hates the synthetic taste of Twinkie’s and instead eats salad, fruit, and some days nothing, but shame. That day he convinces himself the men were laughing at birds.
Episode 2: a fat man enters the doctors office for a routine check-up and gets told by the doctor that he will die before he is 50. What is wrong with that he asks? The nurse asks if he has tried losing weight. The fat man wonders if starvation counts. He begins to think of all the extra weight his family would lose if he stopped breathing. The fat man gets tired of being diagnosed as fat and stops going to the doctor’s.
Episode 3: a fat man goes to the gym and gets told that he should have started sooner as if the invitation was always open and the door wasn’t mocking him for all that he was. A fat man runs on the treadmill with headphones in to avoid confronting the world that refuses to accept him. While running though, he still hears the sneers and whispers over his empty music that is an illusion produced by the lack of a phone. Instead he feels their eyes like daggers piercing his flesh as if they know he does not belong here.
Episode 4: a fat man talks to his friend. You’re not depressed she says, she insists that he just needs to find a man and then he’ll be happy again. Somehow she still believes that after all that the fat man has done in search of love it was not good enough and that she could do better. She insists he needs to go to more of the clubs that have left him disappointed and hurt in the past or to the apps that allowed him to meet old men and rapists. After all, she met a man even though she has the stature of a tree and the face of a goddess.
Episode 5: a fat man sits in bed imagining a better life. Maybe she was right maybe he should lower his standards and date the man who touched him in middle school before he knew what the touching meant. Or the boy who took his virginity that he never mentions and who never asked him for permission. Maybe it’s time for him to give up and go to that man’s house near by who offered the money. He would rather bite off his own tongue and drown in the blood than to explore those options.
Episode 6: a fat man sits in his bed. It’s been a long time since he’s been out with friends. He strokes the smooth plastic of a pill bottle and wonders if the dosage is enough for his oversized body. The body that no one found beautiful and the body that has brought him nothing, but ridicule. The fat man wonders if anyone will miss him when his cheeks are no longer crimson and his heart stops making music.
Episode 7: the fat man swallows every single pill and licks his fingers as if imagining them as candy. He closes his heavy eyes and escapes the world that would rather he die than to live the way he existed. They never even knew his name.