Fast World

The classroom should be a place of rest

Not the usual contest and races,

Or the strive for first place.

A class should be a place of vision,

Not a room of numbers and statistics.

A student is a person with a face,

A life,

A family,

And a story to tell.

A number does not feel; a number does not strive

For a better future that we are pressured to reach.

We are humans thrown into a world of fast paced work

When we should focus more on being

Here… now.

Our lives in the moment are forgotten though they are supposed to be the best.

We are pushed to rush into the future, and live in the moment simultaneously.

A student becomes lost in our reality formed by our classes.

Not just one class either.

It can be forgotten that a course load is more than a single workload.

Each class requires attention and time

That is sucked away by class competition.

Which class do we focus on?

In which class should I try?

Where can I get more time without giving up my life?

We need coordination.

We need cooperation.

We as students need to speak as a person who has no clue.

No clue where to go,

No clue how to manage,

No clue when to sleep.

A class needs to step back from the technology, the psychology,

The “be better and faster” rhyme.

A class needs to focus on the individuals;

The story behind each face.

We need to get away from the numbers and grades

And transform into people once again.





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