A Fallen Tree
Instead of spending time with tech, I’d rather
Take a blissful walk down the street,
Where near the end stands a young tree
Placed there like a living landmark,
And appreciate the little things it provides.
Instead of scrolling with no means, I’d rather
Play like a little kid again,
Where near the tree, its roots emerge
To form a playground, free from the
Weight of Judgement and of Discourse
Instead of being shaped by filters, I’d rather
Love my own skin because never
Did that tree have a skeptic thought
About its trunk and its branches;
Beauty found in its carefree ways
But that tree never existed,
only as a desire, a
Mirage in a small, cold room
Where I continue doom scrolling,
With no apparent end in sight...
This tree longs to live in control
To experience the little things:
The uncritical,
Daring confidence,
Derived from freedom.
Yet it remains a small seedling,
Hampered by blue light, a wilted
Body glued to bed;
Awake there till dawn,
With no ambition...
...I'm a fallen tree.