When I walk up to my bus stop, it is very cold. I can feel the crisp autumn air. As I walk leaves fall in front of my face. The leaves are all different colors and sizes; red ones, brown ones, orange ones, and very few green ones. When the leaves fall to the ground I hear them crunch each time I step. When I am looking down I see a glow off the pavement as I make my way up the hill. It must have rained earlier this morning; I feel a rain drop hit my head. Droplets of water were coming off the tall trees that surround me. Wind roars by my face. The wind brings the smell of cold fall air. This gets me thinking of thanks giving and all the tasty foods it has to bring. Mmm…just the thought of my grandmas pumpkin pie makes my mouth water. As I look around I start seeing the kids headed up to the stop. Every one is dressed very warm in their fluffy jackets and wool boots. This gives me chills running down mine spin, I didn’t dress warm enough. Some kids have scarves wrapped around their necks to keep from getting cold. As they reach the top of the hill I hear one of the kids ask, “Are you going to the football game tonight…?” I think about how good and salty the fries that they sell at the game are. Yum; I snap back to reality and realized I have reached my stop.