fake friends fake the truth

Fake friends aren't they nice, faking the truth, wow your so nice, tell me the lies

tell me why your a FUCKING IDIOT! tell me why you use your friends! fake friends, fake the truth, just want to know you,

you screw around with the truth an make up pretty lies,

know what BITCH im done with you, fake friends, fake the truth, 

tell me the evil lies, your thoughts, whats on your mind..

fake friends, never tell the truth,... they lie to your face an make you think...

your important but your really not fake FUCKIN BITCHY friends

such a DAMN waste of FUCKING time! SCREW you and your life 

your fake you lied to me and i thought you cared, i protected your ASS but you used me..

so next time dont ask me for CRAP!

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