Faith Over fear
i'm going to tell you what i think about social distancing
it's a bunch of crap
stop living life on fear
Faith over fear
it's about Faith that will 4ever supercedes fear
does coronavirus have that kind of influence
where it takes you out of character
the Bible conveys in 1 John 4:18-19
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment"
"But he who fears has not been made perfect in love"
"We love Him because He first loved us"
the He i'm referring to Jesus Christ Himself
the love ain't coming from people
because look at how they are behaving
you have a mother and a daughter beating up a woman over toilet paper
you have 1 person buying 10 loaves of bread
please explain to me why a family of 3 need to buy 50 rolls of toilet paper and 100 rolls of paper towel
this is call fear
The Bible states in Proverbs 18:21 that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit"
when you speak of fear, you give it life
1 negative word is all it takes
instead, speak courage, speak love, speak unity, speak encourgaement
give these words life
coronavirus will never ever conquer because true believers know
that we are more than conquerors in the blood of Jesus if you truly believe
i'm good because God got me
so stop with the dummy move of elbow to elbow daps
because it's silly
if an ad has to tell you to wash your hands after you used the bathroom
houston we have a problem
if the media is promoting safety tips about covering your mouth with your forearm after you cough
or sneezing into a tissue where you must wash your hands.
it's an embarrassment to humanity
these are fundamentals, yet essentials habits that you're supposed to do on the daily basis
while people are running around like chickens with no heads and brains
The Lord will provide, i'm good
and sad it may sound, it takes something catastrophic as this to bring unity?
i say this to the core , this is disingenuous
i want folks to remember something
for all the plagues that's happen, Lord Jesus Christ will 4ever always make it right
i just hope and pray that you know who He is.
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Annette M Velasquez
Absolutely! God gives us discernment and common sense to protect ourselves and one another... but ultimately, He is in charge of every situation. Faith is essential always, but more so in difficult times. It seems like crisis brings out the best or the worst in people- some are thinking of others, but many are being selfish and greedy. Your poetry is always honest and enlightening, it describes aspects of our world very well- but more so, it shows that God is the only solution... not all of mankind's science, technology, politics or anything else. These things, plagues, wars, etc. are prophesied and signs of the times- but many don't understand.