Faith & Confidence: Real Within Ourselves
Faith & Confidence: Real Within Ourselves
Worry not, for tomorrow
Will be brighter----
The sun shines in
Your corner
Dare not with uncertainty
Dare with a dream
Promise you’ll never
look back to the past
And forget the unknown
While you’re at it
Go forth, climbing forward---
Steep Mountains that await
Great victory ahead
Become the cheerleader
That chants yes instead
Of negative no’s
Forget what others say---
Be yourself with pride
Question opposition with
All your might,
Head high like no other
Wear your clothes
Strong and proud---
Sweater, jeans, shoes, and all
When others question
The way we appear
Through a looking glass,
Tell them rightfully so---
Dare not with uncertainty,
Dare with a dream
Wear your body---
Arms, legs, and all
Strong with passion
Like the rays
Of our sun
Above our bluest sky
Dare I---
Dare I not
Forget the unquestionable
The universe is in our favor---
Negativity is forever blocked
Like a gate
To a forbidden path
Time is forever
But a minute is all
A minute is time
To be comfortable
Within the skin I’m in