no one is more you-er than you...
"you're fat, you're big, you're dark" is it all true?
invested time trying to change the views
the comments, the likes, the photos
all for appoval from people who don't get the picture
What's the real issue? Letting them judge or them judging?
Do they know she has an eating disorder?
my last string, I'm done I don't care
pulled and pulled on until they heard a tear
Torn apart, not cause they pulled it, but cause i fought back
I am free, I am ecstatic, I am out the crack
"It's only junior high and you dealt with all that?"
not dealt more like beat, defeat, I defeated it
looking in the mirror now, years later
that insecure vulnerable little girl is now a woman
She is beautiful, confident, smart, ambitous
in the most auspicious time in her life
she learned that once you've accepted your flaws
no one can use them against you
and for that, she is flawless