Expect Wondrous Living
This extraordinary habitat in which we preside,
constructed by the merciful palms of our gracious Lord,
fills me with a radiating exuberance for my continued existence within it.
Consciously examine the treasures of this Earth,
from its stoic mountain masses,
to the tender paint strokes composed in a flower's bloom,
the malicious character of charging rapids,
to the serenity of the ocean's still presence,
beauteous diverse complexions and cultures that harmonize,
with a masterful array of developed language.
Cease your worry,
take a relieving breath,
inhale the brisk air that surrounds you,
and dwell in a cloud of overwhelming positivity.
Have conviction towards pursued faithful living,
don't allow boundaries to withdraw you from perseverance,
these hurricanes of life cannot consume your spirit,
reside in the wondrous treasures around you.
Everything remains possible in your favorable future!