Evil Consuming Me WIthin
My arms dripping with blood from my wrist.
Head held down so the horror can’t be seen.
All around, fire pit with every inch of coal to keep it burning.
Screaming for help and no one hears a word come out.
Someone hear me!
Although the words that are trying to be spoken,
They’re shot by a pistol with no chance of survival.
It is hopeless to try to break free. .
I know that I will never be saved.
I close my eyes
The light appears so bright
Glistening white and gold surround me
An angel appears right before my eyes
“Follow me my child, and you will find your way,”
Laughter fills the air, “I cannot be saved”,
Once more, nightmare is reality.
Angels’ troops keep smashing the walls,
Trying to save me from the evil within.
Walls keep on building and rebuilding when they are sliced in half.
There is no use trying to fight.
My Eyes are open once again to the cave beneath the earth.
Trying to save myself,
The Overlord circles the point of my imprisonment.
“You are no match for me my child”
“We have you under our control”
Chains begin to be rattled;
I try to force myself out.
Tugging and pulling, trying to save myself
The Shackles keep cutting deeper and deeper within me
With every chance I take trying to break free.
Wrist covered deep red,
Feet and ankles burning
(Stomp, Stomp, Stomp, Stomp)
Having to follow the average troll in the world,
Caged up like a vicious animal
Palms and calves covered in blood
Forcing myself to set myself free
The longer I fight...
The weaker and weaker I get
Just set me free!
My hopes are now all gone, I’m under their control
Every ounce of my soul and personality is removed with a syringe
Eyes shut once more to end the pain.
I’m tired of facing the horror alone.
Wicked Witches, Nasty Trolls, and even the Dark Overload
Defeat the soldier who’s just trying to get through life.
All I want is to be accepted,
All I wanted is to be loved
All I wanted . . . is to be.
Eyes shut once more
Given my last chance, I give up.
Clear, cold, wet tears fall from my eye lids.
Let this all go away.
Gold and White blinds my eyes
“Take my hand, I will help you through this hard time”
Pride is held too high,
I do not want the help,
My last ounces of pride will be diminished if I ask for help.
I Force my weakened hand upon her palm
Last of my strength is all gone.
Smile of gold is upon her face.
“Everything will be alright”
Two troops allied together
Slashing at the walls
Breaking every crevice and crack.
Slish Slash Slish Slash.
Wall by wall are coming down.
Walls are being broken down
My pride begins to come back
Strength begins to be revived
And my soul and personality flowed back into my body
I am becoming me once again.
Underworld grabbed me, gripping my skin
I force my arm away, forcing my freedom to stay.
“I will not be who you want me to be
Not be what you forced me to be
I will be me,
Your words will no longer phase me
I will no longer be the victim of your abuse”.
The Wicked Witches, Nasty Trolls, and Dark overloard
Diminished before my eyes.
The sun began to shine.
Soul, began to melt.
I am Me.
I am Me, Once Again!
I am a strong, independent, stubborn, smart, and a fearless warrior.
I never let anyone stand in my way,
But, sometimes, the strongest of warriors can’t defeat evil by themselves.
Sometimes, you need help to even defeat the evils within yourself.
I may be stubborn, and hold my pride higher than my head,
But, I would have never defeated the evil that was consuming me, alone.
That Angel opened up my eyes to see the light.
Sometimes, everyone needs help,
Even the strongest among us all.
The light blinded me, reviving my soul
Bringing my personality, beliefs, achievements, and motivation back into life
“Be yourself, and that’s all that you need to be.
Care about the people who love you and love the people who care about you”
And that’s who I will be till the end of eternity.