Everything is a Metaphor

Gather 'round, o, children,

O, elders, o, peers.

There's something else I have to say

That I need you to hear.


For months, I writ

And writ and writ

And having writ, moved on 

My message seeming scattered,

Wide meanings to be drawn.


Though my topics range from escaping

And being lost, but never found

To a tower that holds secrets

The sea where Rapunzel drowned


There is something there in all of them:

An aspect never explored

And I write so that you may discover

The truths that I have implored.


I write so that everyone may see

The thoughts that go on inside me


I write so that you'll see my truth

I write so that I can show proof

Of the insane mind inside this

Body that I am okay with


I write so you can see  a new side:

The silver  between my in and outside

I write for those who can't see me or know me

So that through my poetry they'll get to know me

Even though they can't write me back,

But, you knowt,  I'm okay with that

Because no response means no criticism.

Nobody giving my words their own exsorcism.


Anyway, I write my truth so you can see

The real me

With no repercussions on my part.

I write to cover up the stark

With new light so I won't fear that dark.


So, now, I've called you here today...

And maybe, for some, I gave nothing away.

I know, I write in circles, 'cause I think that way...

But, I write so other people can see life my way.



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