Every Day, Every Minute....
Every Day, Every Minute....
People get bullied
Every day,
Most bullies don't stop to think,
"Are they really getting hurt by what I do?"
Some see no wrong in it.
They don't understand
That they are effecting
People's lives.
Bullying has a large
Effect on those
Who get
A lot
Of pain is
Inflicted on the person
That is being bullied.
Whether it's from
The person who's bullying them,
Or in some cases,
This is becoming a
Big issue.
Bigger than it should be.
People are killing themselves
Because of it.
Our youth.
Dying because of bullying.
This needs to be ended.
The sooner the better.
We're running out of time.
There are millions of youth
Being effected by bullying in America alone.
Bullying needs to be stopped.
Those being bullied need to
Be heard.
They need a voice.
This is what I would change.
This is what needs to be changed.
Why, you ask.
Well because
People get bullied
Every day,