
As I sit and stare at this wall that will one day disappear from my memory to never be remembered by a human soul the way I will tomorrow 

I think about how I want to disappear…. Not necisarrily die just…. Disappear and be forgotten, like I want to move to a new place with new people and no one would ever remember me. I want to be happy without the consequence of hurting others. 

With each passing second I wish I could evaporate like water and live in a world of dreams where I’m me and with her, and everyone’s okay and no one has to worry because what would there be to worry about? 

But instead, I’ll suffer a couple years, move away and hurt the family that never loved me. And never get her back. Doesn’t help that I’m not patient, and their rein is over me always, and she isn’t even real. 

As they taunt me with things they have yet to accomplish, all I want to do is fall back into my forced acoma to see her again. 

What do you do when your only therapy is in your head? A girl with beauty beyond, and a therapeutic hug that I’ll never recieve. 

What do you do when all you want is to disappear? 

Just evaporate and be with her forever. 


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