Eulogy of the Forgotten
Not everyone understands
What it's like to be…
How to put it…
And I'm not talking about
That circle peg square hole bullshit
I'm talking about
The open chest cavity feeling
When you look in a mirror
And not recognizing
The face that stares back at you.
The feeling when you hear a name
That isn't truly yours
But every time you are expected
To answer to it.
No questions asked.
The blade in brain agony
Of walking down a street,
Down a hallway,
Across a room in my own fucking house
Just to hear
That I'm just another "special snowflake"
That its just a stage.
News flash my life isn't a video game
This isn't a stage that you play through
To get to the next level
This blade isn't a pixelated fraud
That opens the animated arm
And spills out good graphics.
My life is waking up every day
Putting on a plastic smile
And walking through this hell of a life
Until I can get to safety
Behind the closed door
Of my bedroom.
Where I can pull out my laptop
And look at the pictures
Where I've photo-shopped
My face onto another guy's body.
Closing the screen to go,
Retrieving an old ace bandage
From underneath my mattress
To force this unwanted tissue
Inward Potentially crushing my ribs,
But I don't care.
All I can think about Is how my frame is too curved,
A spiteful voice in my mind
Continuously repeating
She she she she
Enough of the names,
Enough of the pronouns,
Enough hiding in a lonely closet
Where there was only ever room for one
That when which we break free
We are bombarded with fingers pointed
To state incompetence,
Unwillingness to even
Feign acceptance,
Causing those like me,
To unwillingly create the idea, that the afterlife
Is more like an after-party.
A place where there is no more pretending
No more continuous lies
A place where we have the ability
To escape the very society
That mourns our deaths
With a hashtag
That appears
On your twitter feed
To remind you for a week or two
Before some celebrity break-up
Causes you to forget
The real broken ones.