EQUIXX fantasies
I am Equixx
could be Equix
Equixxxxx and / or more xxxxxxxx... but no ..
I decided to be Equixx.
I find it in my fair measure of being moderate.
It seems repetitive, but no .... I am a pounding one only rarely.
I am contradiction with reason personified.
Male - Female
More enigmatic than mysterious
because I show up with my two XX ... no more.
Only the cosmic thief knows me better and better
because he has inflicted the cosmic laws
and without my permission my X has been made.
There is no complaint or trial ... but it will weigh you down.
My stolen X's will weigh so much
that he will return them to me ... but ...
I intuit that then he will want to rob me
also my two lettres X.
He wants ALL of me.
It is the cosmic thief.
They say he wants to train "Team A "....
( This is one of the varios fantasies that my cousin Richard an I have .
We both want to be pilots..at the moment we are high school students in Denver).