Equality in Depravity
Job 36:11-12 New English Translation (NET Bible)
11 If they obey and serve him,
they live out their days in prosperity
and their years in pleasantness.
12 But if they refuse to listen,
they pass over the river of death,
and expire without knowledge.
Is it any wonder why the world is so deprived?
Even Jesus stated: “There is no one good but God”
So even being rotten to the core of my being
Christ is the only good in me as a gift from God.
Oh! How hard to accept that I am no better than Adolph.
Oh! How is it possible that I was related to Mao Tse Tung?
How can I live with that, I'm just like Pol Pot?
How can my "old nature" be so deprived and doomed?
If it were not for Christ, where would humanity be?
If it were not for the Savior surely everyone would drown.
In the pit of depravity where all humans seem to dwell
until they grab The Hand that will lift us to the crown.
Jan Wienen