Equality for all
Throughout time, it has always been natural for a man to be with a woman.
However, times are changing and our generation is changing and embarking on a journey for equal rights and equal protections.
Love has, nor will ever be something that can be definied by an equation such as man + woman. Love is a construct that can not be seen, explained, or evaluated - especially by those in power.
For the rays of light hit our faces, we see the yearning passion for new loves and less judgement.
Adam loves Ethan, Ashley loves Kayla. These are human beings, who are unwilling to conform to society's definition of love and instead, bare all to be raw and comfortable in their own skin.
I admire people like Adam and Ethan. They stroll by the park, hand in hand, not afriad of the judgements or the harm that awaits them once they run into the wrong street corner. I admire women like Ashley and Kayla, who find peace in each other and wake up in the morning to greet one another as both a friend, lover, and partner.
For the United States has many things to adress before we can say the pledge with full confidence and pride. Church and state must be seperated, and love must not be constained into what half of the population believes is right.
We must embrace diversity, give love to those who need it, and be willing for change and individuality. We must - adapt.