Enslaved to a state of mind
Galatians 5:1 New English Translation (NET Bible)
Freedom of the Believer
5 For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery.
A state of mind
Does the world have a stranglehold?
Does it squeeze tight when I move?
Making me grasp for what I know
parts of the world that I must prove?
It will and cannot let me go
without me; it's incomplete.
As in degradation shows,
it needs me more to compete.
The competition will bring strife
and, with it, envy formed by pride.
The things that nullify your life
as we stray away alone inside.
Did not I win it all, so why that despair?
Why so lonely? Why so empty?
Nothing is as it appeared from far.
Oh! You "world! "Could you tell me"?
Jan Wienen