Energizing An Audience
I hear voices singing differently
Through written words
Whether penciled on a page
Or formed through the rapid dancing of fingers
On a yielding keyboard
Words that are composed within the mind
Are a flowing current rushing toward its destination
Or perhaps a stumbling and broken train of thought
Searching for new directions
We are possessed of so many thoughts and emotions
Forming responses to living and breathing that
Are expressed so we can understand
We explore depths of ideas
Beckoning listeners over and over,
“Come, hear my voice. I’m seeking to understand”
I will share this secret
Between us there exists a force of positive and negative particles
Building up electric tension that begs to be unleashed
A truly spoken word that is heard is the flash of lighting
Connecting one part to another in a brilliant flash of energy
The rumble of thunder chases after it
Never able to overtake the instant of electric release