Mat 23:28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men,
but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Draw a line in the sand with a hammer and a chisel
This should impress all the ones who are watching me
I started long ago and then I wanted to use a shovel
But that was too easy and did not impress my peers
Now I have it all together just observe my hands
Full of bruises and spots where I missed the target
Scars of faithfulness as I hungered and planned
To get people’s admiration to appear a super-midget
Look at me a leader that no one seem to follow
All the folk around me must be blind indeed
I know where I am going in trusting the hollow
That some call a ditch but I call that being free
They know not what they’re missing on this path of ease
Walls on either side protect me as I travel on
The ones before me have a cane as white as cheese
I’ll go ahead and pass to lead them in a familiar song
I hear the trumpet sounding it does not seem clear
I am kind of happy for many-a-one still follow
The walls are closing in. How can that be so near?
It seems that all are falling down into endless sorrow
Is this the end of time as I seem to know it?
Is everlasting here now in this endless fall?
It’s getting hotter as the canes are burning
I guess I was wrong from the start after all
Jan Wienen