It feels like it's a hole in my soul.
Something is just missing like a piece to a puzzle.
Every since November 2, 2012
Which is know as Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey
A knife went piercing through my heart mentally , emotionally , and Physically
Feelign worst than being stabbed in the back.
By someone that I knew my whole life.
Twenty Two months apart.
Someone that you cry with.
Someone you fight with
Someone you'll die for
They put our relationship after some man.
Someone that isn't there for her now....
Crossed me and everythign i THOUGHT we had
Woke upw ith 32 staples and a whole lot of morphine
But i was wrong because "I don't know how to stop."
Why the fuck would you do that ?
All i wanted to do was help you
I had you best interest at heart
And you put a fucking steak knife in mines
Now all i have is this empyt feeling
And of course this hidious scar
And a broken heart that can never be fixed
Thank you SISTER