Empress updated

Mon, 09/16/2024 - 06:27 -- 13

A real empress uplifts everything around her. She understands speaking life into her man is speaking life into her self. Fear does not exist within her. She takes time to understand self so, she is her own best friend. Only he that is worthy will be allowed in. When she nurtures those that she loves, they feel nothing but a climax of bliss and joy. She is patient yet assertive. She is self discipline and adventurous. Her mind is addicted to growth and her soul obsessed with self mastery. She understands the mind of a man vs a boy. She respects herself so she just demands the same from others. She is a gift to her self and a gift to others. She knows that she is meant to be a creator. As an empress infinite and true. To mother the true heavenly to earthly few.True divine empress knows what to do. May her endless love and affection increase in power as she does what creation has destined her to do.

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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