Lately I have been having these feelings
That men like me have minds full of dealings
Dealings of whether our emotions should get the better of us like raging oceans
Or if we should stay passive, and oppress the past actions of our regressive notions
Because honestly I have been repressing these primal explosions, of my true hearts commotions
And these commotions are like frightening hurricanes that decimate my core
Im sorry. but this destruction is exfoliating my soul causing a tsunami to pour
Or, or is it me just myself and I, tricking my mind to think its in terrible pain
When the honest truth is, its just the countless amount of chemicals coursing in my brain
Surely its this, yess! it must be this
But sadly, this explanation still doesnt help my feelings or dealings
In fact this so called science makes it worse
Its like compacting my whole meaning in the area of a purse
No! I wont accept this, theres definitely something else
For what can science say about my morals, my emotions, my goals
Its like inside my body i have a stove with a center full of coals
Because i feel this burning sensation, that theres another purpose than a simple life racing
Racing time, for it is the great motivater to get things done her and now not later
For our story supposedly ends when our clock strikes midnight, but this is no fairtale so I will sill fight
Fight in the fact that maybe just maybe theres more out there
That my life truly has some greater meaning
Given to me by possibly a greater being
Yes! that truly must be it
With this answer I am satisfied, for I cant be some species clearly denied
Denied of a future full of wonder and mystery
And instead granted with eternal life, and the rest is history