Emotional Distasters
You see people but you dont understand them at first. Your too quick to judge.
These people could be having a really bad time and they could be crying theirself to sleep every night.
They could be sad or angry and very emotional! They could have all these feelings bottled up inside.
They could be breaking open with all these emotions just like an earthquake.
You could feel like a volcano. That lava keeps hurting you. The lava keeps destroying you slowly.
Some people learn to let go of the lava, they learn to let your tears flow. I want to be freinds with everyone.
I want to be freinds with ghosts or ghouls as well. Imagine.... How did they die?
Was it painful for them? Did they kill themself? Those are things we shall never know until the day we die.
My grandfather passed away about three years ago. I was young and immature about my feelings.
I didnt know how to control them. I cried and wept. I ignored everybody. Around other people I would hide my tears.
About two years later, I got a puppy. I adored that puppy with all my love. I took care of her.
At school, a tragic thing happened... I came home to no puppy to greet me.
She had fell off the couch, hit the boxes, landed headfirst on my concrete floor, and broke a few bones.
My parents took the poor thing to the pound where it would be taken to a vet. We were terribly poor.
We had no money. My puppy was snatched from my arms. I ignored everyone as well at that time.
Just thinking about it makes me want to sob, to scream.... But thats not the solution to my problems.
I have to stay strong for my family, my freinds, everybody. My best freind, Brilea, she thought we did it.
She thought we hurt the puppy. She thought.... Her thoughts were wrong. I hated her at that moment.
I learned to forgive her eventually. Everybody thought that I was a monster. I felt like one.
I felt like a monster for not being able to save her. She took all my love.
I had no love for other people. My mom had to break the news about us having to forget.
I had to forget! Is she crazy?! She would'nt understand. She thinks she doesnt yell.
She does. She makes me and my brother scared. Were fearful of her.
They both lost my trust a lonnng time ago! My dad has read my diary two times so....
I dont trust them. I learned to let go of those feelings. To understand I was in the wrong.