

United States
47° 19' 34.8348" N, 68° 18' 16.9164" W

Deep emotion can fill
the gaping hole in our
beings, but only if it is
deep emotion for the lord

people try to fill it
with things of man

The only way to fill the void,
is to stop and listen
and read the word
live every second for the lord
the way his son lived for you

yes, you
you of all people
whom Jesus loves
of all things possible this i tell is true

staring off into space
into the eyes of someone loved by you
with a love so great

perfect with every tender moment
spent together, that you'd
breathe your last breath for them

and they,the same
you worship the lord together
pray every day

making each other stronger with
each small leap of faith
loving the lord more than you love each-other

loving him so that you stare
at nothing all day just to hear his voice
and into the eyes of one another
to see your blessings have been given.

Or into the eyes of a child so innocent
one that sees no evil in things
and to know that the lord is with you
turns out to be the most comforting

like the warmth of two bodies
wrapped in a friendly embrace
someone holding you while the
tears you try to hide finally escape

the casting away of sins
the stepping back into the light
finding comfort in the lord
and the knowledge of

takes you closer to him
than you'll ever know in the end


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