Embers in the Dark
The world spins around in shades of black
All around my head my own thoughts betray me, planning their attack
I wish I could scream
Or wake up from this horrible dream
A never ending feeling of floating
The voices swirl around, silently gloating
Then out of the abyss I see specks of light
Such beautiful colors, corroding the darkness to a pinprick of light
The warm glow surrounds me and I rise from the fog’s steel grip
Feeling the cold pull back down I push on and trip
Sailing back down to that deep dark place
But as I’m about to hit the ground pitch vanishes without a trace
And then I see flashes fill my vision
A life so desecrated by depression in need of revision
The light of life is warm
Though my mind is still in the middle of a storm
I remember
Dark only surrounds in the absence of an ember
Once again I feel content
To live again the life I’ve been sent