Elephants and Donkeys
Elephants and donkeys
Stomp on each other's heads
And kick each other's faces
And people fight over who
Wants to ride what
Some want to ride the donkeys
Others want to climb aboard the elephants
They want to race each other
Just to see which animal is better
In terms of travelling
But after a while,
You start to see that
Elephants and donkeys
Can only go for so long without water
The people can only cheer for a while
Until their own heads and their children's heads
Are stomped flat into the concrete
Their own faces and their children's faces
Are destroyed by the violent kicks
The unbearable pains make them beg
They ask for a camel to be sent
And to them, a camel is sent
But then they flay off the camel's hump
And they drain out his blood
Then back to the sadism of the elephants and donkeys
Elephants and donkeys are what they ride
Elephants and donkeys, to where they have died