An Educator's Ears do not Listen
An educator’s ears do not listen
An educator’s ears only hear
What goes in
goes out the other ear.
An educator does what is expected
An educator teaches us about “important matters”
Where the hell do I learn to buy a house
Where do I learn to do taxes
Why is it
Every goddamn time
I try to benefit this life of mine
I learn only:
4x+2 =9
six thousand
five hundred
sentences are taught to me every day
but the only thing I learn
is who got caught smoking in the bathroom.
An educator does not listen.
An educator rambles on about the things we “need to know”
When at least half of us will never use the
pythagorean theorem outside of class
and even more of us will try NOT to chose a career
that involves advanced math.
But an educator’s ears do not listen.
An educator doesn’t care.
An educator hears the talking.
An educator hears the stories,
But when an educator has seen too many kids chose a life
that does not seem healthy,
An educator will not care.
Every educator starts as a teacher.
A teacher inspires
and a teacher creates.
A teacher shows us what it means to be
And I admire those teachers that
Somehow manage
to stay a teacher.
For the one’s that tell me to take the road less traveled
often end up
on the other.