The echos of my past
The echos of time long past still haunt me; of things that could have been but are not; of times when we fought over learning and knowledge. Why did you not fight for me? Could you not see that I needed you there; your parental guidance with my school. Even when I kicked, screamed and said I was dumb you should have stuck to your guns and just said ‘no’. Even though it seemed I didn’t want you there I secretly hoped that you would care enough to stick by me and force me to work. I look back in time and I wish I could scream and say ‘help me I plea with you. Don’t let me win.’ Can’t you see that in giving up the battle you have lost the war. And now I have to live with the consequences of having won. And now I’m fighting everyday to make a change with my own family which is much harder price to pay. Each battle that is fought to help me learn is one step closer to a victory over life and a chance for the future generation. I cry every day for parents to sit down in thought and prayer to help their children succeed in strength and not let them win when they too choose to fight. An experience also bear caution for all. Take care of your own children when they fight. They are the greatest assets you will ever know.