Earth Cries!


United States
41° 18' 56.718" N, 86° 6' 50.778" W

I am a whole, a circle that continues, designed to go on forever.
Those who live within me do not respect me.
They struggle with each other and with me.
They toil and fight, poisoning themselves and me.
They stab and rob me of my fertility.
They say that I matter but how do they show it?
They spill my oily blood in my waters and fight wars on my soils.
They spoil my once clean air with fumes and pollutants.
They murder my animals and torture those who cannot speak.
Not only are they detrimental to me, but abuse and poison their own.
They have lost respect for themselves and the earth they call home.
They have raided all the resources that have been provided them.
Still there is hope in technology, if only they would use it for the better.
There is hope in the new generations.
Those who share knowledge.
Still technology could be the end of it all.
Enrich my soil and restore my fertility.
Encourage others and stop poisoning your youth.
Lead by example with confidence and ethics
Restore your earth and restore yourselves!


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