Dystopia's Passion
There's chaos and disorder all around me;
But I act as if my life is better than it seems.
I deal with rage and disrespect everyday;
And when the subject is brought up, I turn away.
Why is my life filled with so badness;
And all of the fighting makes me ponder the sadness.
I play off the sadness the best that I can;
And later on, I feel just like I ran.
Dealing with the destruction and chaos causes me great stress;
And I begin to wonder what caused my life to be such a mess.
Having to walk around with a "smile" on my face;
Making everything seem good, but that's just not the case.
Forced to be nice to everyone;
And forced to sit back while others have fun.
They ask me to join, but that won't happen;
Because my life is filled with a Dystopia's passion.