a dying love


As night falls she lies thinking of all the times she so called ran into a door or fell down the stairs.
Although the scars are prominent and very visible everyone ignores and doesn't care.

For she, lives in a house where her voice can never speak and her eyes better not even dare to look him in the face
cuz in his house she is forced to be his whore, his maid, and his cook, his slave and she does it all in disgrace

her children look at her and her wounds wondering why she sticks around,

 little do they know she has no choice because her family wont even speak to her since he decided that they should up and leave town

She prefers blows to the face, over getting hit with the possibility of living her life alone.
Her pain is silent but speaks so loud, Like a dancer in front of a microphone.
You get it?

Cause each time he hit it he never once thought to quit it.
Repeatedly Punching and penetrating. Till its blood that she spitted.

She tells her friends “oh he's just joking”
When he leaves her voicemails of his elaborate request. And stating " bitch  u better not forget it". .                                                       

and they all pretend to laugh even thou they know what goes on they just refuse to admit it

at night her eyes never sleep for she’s thinking about leaving, but her feet dont think, and her bags arn’t packed because all his "baby  i wont do it again's" she's believing

but when does it end? when she in the hospital for the 15th time with broken ribs and bruises? when will this broken lover realize he'll never change, for  hes a sorry excuse for a man and just feeding her excuses

" but u just make me so mad when u dont listen to me"

" my last woman cheated, so im making sure this love is real not a fantasy"

and as he speaks she just listens to his words like they form some magic spell and clutter her mind. she changes her feelings and forgives, hugs him as he says I love u and im sorry, for the 23rd time.

but little does she know the next time will well off be her last time,

cuz this time she didnt watch the time to be home at 7 o clock with dinner on the table and his slippers by the door ....cuz this time when she walks in she cant possible imagine whats in store ...cuz this time he has had one to many drinks and his judgment is so unclear ......this time he takes his hands wrap them around her throat and squeeze out all her living fear.

this time he drags her lifeless body for  he has not finished his plans. this time his kids are upstairs sleeping there is gasoline all over the place and a match in his hands .....this time his last time, no1 will survive. this time this last time is what  makes every person who shook their head in silence, wish they took that stand and helped her out

when she was alive


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