drunk on rejection
"Your performance was excellent, I just don't think you have the...look we're going for."
bellows a director from behind a table
casting his eyes down on my
scarred legs.
I think of this as I bite my tongue while I am told that
rejection is not so hard.
"Rejection is not so hard"
says the able bodied white man
"Rejection is not so hard"
says the white man
"Rejection is not so hard"
says the man
He's only experienced rejection in moderation.
And you see, rejection is like alcohol.
In moderation it roles off your shoulders easily
and gives you a buzz that whispers
"keep going"
But then all of a sudden you've had to much to drink
It sneaks its way into your bones and makes you want to
shrivel up and die the next morning
Then you have more to drink even still
suddenly it is controlling everything you do
you can't escape its grasp
you are unable to walk away
So this man is barely even buzzed.
he has a drink every once and a while
and will have a minor headache the next morning
But I've been hammered for a long time
My first drink was in kindergarten
when I was told I wasn't allowed to walk with the others
Hang overs were the norm by 14 when boys began to ask
"what's wrong with your legs"
instead of "what's your number"
It is at this audition
that I wondered
what would be the right time
to get my stomach pumped
I was unsure how to
fight the toxins of "no"
with the remedies of "yes"
Being told I was inspiring was no longer enough
But then I came to NSLC
and gave new meaning to
"go climb a tree"
I felt free
finally reaching a much needed sobriety
able to say "this is me"