drive safely
Driving is all fun and Games
until all the fun and games come to an end because of a stupid decision made by you and a friend
fun and games, texting, no seatbelts, loud music, eating and drinking, can all have consequences that are life threatening
threatening to you, to your friends, and to others you do not even know
Taking 5 seconds to send that text, can end up being something you will regret
Regret that will not go away and will stay with you each and everyday
Of course we all love loud music but the car is not the time nor the place because it makes driving unsafe
These are just a few of the many distractions that can end your’s and other’s lives in a matter of seconds
The driving can still be fun and games but there needs to be safety
So buckle up, put away the phone, turn down the music, have nice conversation, but while doing so make sure that you are paying attention