
She sat in the swivel chair
Staring into the darkness
Tears staining her caramel colored cheeks
Eyes bloodshot red.

She sat back in the swivel chair
And she yelled into the darkness
She dropped onto the floor
"It would hurt less."
And the tears started again.
Chest heaving and hurting badly

The pain that she encountered was way worse than that of death
She was alone.

Her hand covered and squeezed at her chest
When it stopped , she revealed a gaping hole
Her heart was gone
It went down when he did

I CAN'T , I CAN'T !"

The darkness laughed
Her she endured so much pain
She couldn't handle it
She dropped dead.


Waking up in sweat and tears
She cried again.
Looking around she was in their bedroom
It was all a dream
She wasn't alone
She grabbed onto him, kissed his back and smiled asleep .

Then she woke up...
Nose runny and sniffles
She shook her head...
She was alone...
Longing for an embrace, she went back to sleep.
The faint sound of Sesame Street in the background
Vibration of her phone indicating a text.
Woke up, received it, read it smiled
Thought about it, frown, shut down cries
The very thought makes her chest hurt...
I guess she better get used to it...
She'll feel it even more.


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