A Dream. A Reality.
I write for those who have dreams...
Those who have always wanted to accomplish something but do not have the opportunity...
I write for my litte brother who died when he was eight years old.
He wanted to do so much with his life but it was taken before he had one.
He brought so much joy into my life, it hurts to know I cannot return all those years of joy that he gave me.
For every laugh we shared that I will no longer hear.
For every fight we had that ended with hugs and "I love you's".
I write for my mother who died when she was thrity seven years old.
She taught me so much, everything I know to be exact.
She was my hero, when asked in school who my hero was my answer was "my mother".
More than a mother, a friend, a sister and my role model.
I wanted to be just like mommy, strong, brave, beautiful, intelligent, and courageous.
So many words can be used to describe her but there not enough to explain exactly who she was to me and everyone she came in contact with.
I write for the little girl she once was living in New Jersey with her three sisters.
I write for her and the children's book she started but never had the chance to finish.
I write to tell the world what I have been through hoping my story can help someone and give them the strength they need to make it to tomorrow.
To give hope where there is none.
To give strength to the weak.
To give happiness to the sad.
To give love to the abondoned.
To give guidence to the lost.
To inspire the dreamless.
I write to turn a dream into a reality.
I used to be the girl who said nothing and kept to herself.
Now I am the girl who speaks through her writing to inspire.
The girl who brings tears to the eyes of those who do not know her story.
I can say more through my writing than I can verbally.
I like that. I cannot always find the right words to say.
But the emotions that come from my writing say more than any word can.
I write for those who have dreams...
Those who have always wanted to accomplish something but do not have the opportunity...
I write to turn a dream into a realty...
I write for you and me.