the downfall of me

Sun, 01/30/2022 - 23:46 -- unknow3

 The down fall of me 

Happens so fast as you’ll see 

One minute im on top of the world 

The next im thinking about the underworld 

Piece by piece 

I pick my self up over and over again 

Only to let them bring me down 

How many times can you build a puzzle without losing a piece 

I can answer that 

It seems we lose a piece every time we break it down

But how long could this puzzle possibly be 

For me I hope its not more than thirty 

These missing pieces are the biggest part of me 

The part of me Ill Never get back 

The parts that slip through the cracks 

Sometimes I don’t even know the real me 

Im more than one person 

Each side with a story of their own 

That has yet to be told

There’s the little girl

Whos lost at sea 

And didn’t amount to what she wanted to be

Then there’s the pre teen 

Who really need a benzene 

Then theirs teenage me 

Who started letting men use me for my body 

Now there’s adult me 

Who wants to be different than the other three 

But this ha been the downfall of thee 

This poem is about: 


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