The Do's & Don't's
Life's sorrows' and treasures are endless in our cycle before perish
All the temptations & riches we cherish but our souls are the poorest
Possessing knowledge of right & wrong, we reamin ignorant
If it's bliss, why do we suffer from what we sow?
Some things are inevitable, same as our mistakes being forgettable
The do's and don't's should be clear to you as day, and day by day we put our faith in a higher and pray
Rules are implaced to be broken, who decides laws we follow and if their right?
We are blinded, one-sided, & even biased
We are stuck in our own minds of our own perspective
We do what we think is right, but don't handle the remaining wrongs
Our society continues to decline in our misconception
If their is one, he either neglected or rejected us, but still has enough love to forgive us