The Door

The dark hand clenched tightly

This stark land is alive hardly

holding onto what?

a creature named death waits patiently on the doorstep

of my corroded mind

the knocking is constant

but i refuse to let him in

darkness that seems so real

this dark can often heal

often found within the depths

the depths of the sea within me

waves are crashing yet seldom seen

many refuse to acknowledge

the truth about life

entangled in things superficial

virtues of many hues

priorities disheveled

my heart is distraught

by the abundance of dishonest people

living for all the wrong things

finding pleasure in their treasures

none of these riches can save you from the grave

in fact you have become their slave

no longer controlling technology

the tables have turned

 contorting and restricting your experiences

lift your eyes from the lies

experience the world before you

explore and adventure

i understand the dark and the light

both exist simultaneously within one another

often struggling to overpower each other

when death looks me in the eyes

and i finally allow him to come in

i will be satisfied with my life here

and when he tells me it’s time to begin my new life

i shall not have strife

for i had my given time

do all you can for what you love

inspire others daily

they will see that you are different

as they have seen me

i am not afraid to be alone

independence is healthy

happiness comes from within

you will not find it in items or others


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