Don't Touch My Pizza
I’m a diva
For pizza-
Fast as a chee-tah
To grab the last piece-uh.
I say “bye-bye Felicia”
To my poor little pizza.
When I go see the Giza
Or to Micronesia
I bring me some pizza
(But skip the margarita)
To eat before I sleep-uh.
But my close friend Elisa,
Who looks like Mona Lisa,
Begs for my pizza.
Then I have an idea
To give her Velveeta.
She says “No, Maria!”
And goes to the freez-ah
To get frozen pizza.
Then by way of Visa
I buy some more pizza
At the pizzeria.
I pet my zebra
Until I hear my door ring-ah
And get my fresh pizza
Delivered by Theresa.