Don't Take my Black Card
I’m black I promise I am
I love fried chicken
Mac and cheese
Collard greens
Watermelon? My taste buds say no
But don’t take my black card just yet
I like kool-aide
I’m black I promise I am
I’ve seen Friday
Boys in the Hood
Love and Basketball
Juice? Never heard of it
But don’t take my black card away just yet
I’ve seen Poetic Justice
I’m black I promise I am
I mean that’s what the color of my skin says
Isn’t that all that should matter?
Yes my parents are married
But that shouldn’t make me any less black
And yes I grew up a suburbanite
Why can’t I still be black?
Could it be that I’m getting an education?
Maybe it’s because I act educated
But don’t take my black card
Intelligence shouldn’t make me any less black
Could it be that my fathers in my life?
Why should I be faulted for that?
It’s proven that black fathers are more involved than white and latino
So why do you still try to take my black card?
Well, you know what?
I’m gonna keep my black card
I am black and I have black pride
But I’m not gonna try and prove my blackness
What’s the point?
Trying to impress a people that went from being oppressed
To oppressing itself
So you’re not gonna take my black card away
Because I Am Black!!!