Don't Go

Everytime I close my eyes...

I see your face in darkness...

Everytime I fall asleep...

Your presence invades my dreams...

Everytime I reawaken...

I feel you here with me.

Yet each and every time alike...

You slowly fade away

No matter how I beg you not to leave

Reality sinks in; you dissolve and for a second it's hard to breathe

Again I close my eyes, hoping you'll reappear when I take a peek...

But when I do; there's nothing there but transparent air causing my body to feel so weak.

This realization is my Achilles heel,

Because in my dream you felt so real

I wish I could stay asleep you see...

For my dreams are far better than reality

You have no idea how much I care for you...

The perfect day would begin next to you.

But no matter how I wish it so...

In the morning you always go.


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