Dollars or Sense

I seen some things money can't buy.
There's plenty, the only I haven't seen is past the sky.
I got higher than the plane I once taxied off the earth when I heard a way of college education without paying first.
Some would say that I'm a junkie for the books. Don't like reading but education is as good as it looks.
I hated teachers that got their students sitting on the bleachers for that money when it's time to get our head in the game. Preacher?
No, really i'm just a student influenced by a decade and more of public teaching. Now my past just got me reaching
Far away from this one dream of being an engineer. Where's my future? Just a million dollar house in 10 years?
Yeah, it suits me well. For nerds, just like myself. But I wonder where the heart is. Programming the off-switch? Interesting and all but who am I helping after all this? Middle-class, high-class, walking without a hall pass. Out the school doors, to learn less and hang more until they realize what their parents' money paid for. But then again, the money goes to corruption. Everybody knows in public schools, you never learn nothin' in a city full of shooters, strippers, dealers of prescription, street-connected, use computers now to find out where the fix is. And I should just contribute to this? No. instead of making dollars, i'll help children make sense.


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