I remember the first day we got you. You came out from behind the couch with a toy and a smile. I would come cuddle with you and take you outside for walks. You always loved the snow and could roll around in it for hours. You loved the beach, too. We’d take you there and throw the ball, and you’d always come back with it. You were wet and you smelled, but I didn’t care. The last five years with you were the best years of my life. You taught me love. You taught me that I needed to sacrifice myself for the greater good. Now you’re teaching me to be strong. The house is a lot quieter now, not hearing you bark at people mowing the lawn or the UPS guy. Dinner won’t be the same without you in my arm asking for food. Not being able to wake up next to you ever again breaks my heart. I’ll never be able to brush you again, no matter how much you hated it. I’ll never be able to give you chicken again no matter how much you wanted it. I’ll never be able to watch you grow up no matter how much I wanted to. Never again will I feel you jumping on me during a family hug or show off your tricks to all my friends. You gave my family joy. You taught us to be calm, sweet, and a little bit spontaneous. You gave the world seven beautiful puppies with Riley, who you loved so much. You never lived a second of your life in pain, you were always smiling and wagging. Smiling and wagging. No matter what you always loved us, and we always loved you. You were a constant figure in my life. I could always count on you to be there for a hug or a foot licking whenever something went wrong. You were my rock. You were my fucking life for five years. I’ve had you as my best buddy for so long. It’s always been me and stone. You got to watch me grow up and I got to watch you grow up. I taught you to sit, play, and I taught you how to bring mom her sneakers. You were there for me when no one else was, when I was scared, when I was upset, and when I just wanted to be alone. You would jump on my bed and we’d just sit there and everything would be ok. You’d peek your head into my bedroom if you heard me crying or if you knew I was stressed. You were always there for me, and my life will change forever now that you’re gone.
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