Doctor Cox
A woman tried to save her life from a man that believed the only way to love was to beat his wife
Patient x-rays displayed the six inch cuts carved in her face and her entire jawbone knocked out of place
He forced her to open her mouth and bite the pavement while he stomped her head
repeatedly until she said she forgave him, in disbelief he put the gun to his head and thought she was dead
,but within minutes she lay on my operating bed, I take a deep breath, and close her file believing
that once I am done she will be alive and able to smile
Although it may take some time to become the oral and maxillofacial surgeon that saves the woman's life
Four years of undergrad, four years of dental school, and four years of specialty
training is well worth sacrificing when rewarded something as great as changing a person's life
Only one thing can stand in my way and that's believing I can't,
but I know that God will be with me every step of the way no matter how long or how much it takes
Yes, life is short ,but I am perfectly content with being proud of what I will become and do to make more people smile
As months proceeded the woman's x-rays displayed a crooked frown beginning to turn upside down
The last day I'd see her she'd come in with her chin held high ,happy to say I thank
God for allowing you to be by my side, I could be six feet deep but because of you and all that you do
I am able to stand here and say I have survived and I will always appreciate you for saving me and when
that day comes all that I have worked and struggled for will transform my dream into a reality
Doctor Cox