Divided by Imaginary Lines, United in our Suffering
I’m tired of living in a world blinded by hate
Everyone stands by idly, unwilling to speak
Will we all destroy each other, is that our fate?
Could the future really be this bleak?
Sons killing sons
Daughters killing daughters
Is fate decided by a barrel of a gun?
Must I stand by and accept this mindless slaughter?
Blood of the innocent stains the streets
Children cry, and mothers weep
Yet we do nothing and march to the same beats
It’s like we are comatose, we are all asleep
Why are we fighting? I don’t remember.
For what reason must our tears be shed?
These tears that freeze over every December
Look to where the path of hatred has led!
Why must the children pay for a war amongst men?
How can you expect them to remain faithful?
Will their hearts heal with a Hail Mary and an amen?
Will angels fill the empty chair at the dinner table?
Divided by imaginary lines we’ve drawn in the sand
Their God, our God, my God, your God. . . where is God?
If he’s there, do you think this is the result he planned?
Will our icy hearts ever be thawed?
Lets stop destroying the world with violence and hate
Don’t you understand the beauty love and understanding can create?